Youre Gonna Need A Bigger Boat LED Neon Sign!
Shark movie fans, anyone? Remember this famous quote from the Academy Award winning movie, Jaws? Who could forget Roy Scheider's face when he said this line? If you are a fan of these famous shark tales or know someone who's a little too into the fandom, this #lit neon sign could make the perfect gift. Use this sign to decorate your TV room or even put it up in your office room as a reminder to face challenges head on. Come to think of it, this could be ideal decor for a themed party or movie marathon. Maybe watch Sharknado later? ;)
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Luminex™ x Kings Of Neon
Luminex™ is the new standard of LED Neon - Offering 100,000+ Hours of Illumination with an array of different colour options.
Can't see the colour you love?
Kings Of Neon offers over 100+ Colours - Contact the team in the chat box or add a note to your order and the team will customise your sign for YOU!