Slay Girl. Slay LED Neon Sign!
Hey, girl heeeyyyyy. That’s a great outfit, have you been saving that for the perfect occasion? Girl, it was completely worth the wait! ‘Slay Girl. Slay.’ If this sounds like you to yourself or your friends to each other then this sign is calling out to you. This is the perfect sign to celebrate your friendship based on boosting each other up and making everyone feel like their absolute best selves. It’s also a great sign to get for yourself as a decoration in your closet, right next to your mirror or positioned at the entrance of your home. Self-care!
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Luminex™ x Kings Of Neon
Luminex™ is the new standard of LED Neon - Offering 100,000+ Hours of Illumination with an array of different colour options.
Can't see the colour you love?
Kings Of Neon offers over 100+ Colours - Contact the team in the chat box or add a note to your order and the team will customise your sign for YOU!