Here'S Looking At You, Kid LED Neon Sign!
In a vivid (and very neon) throwback to the 1940s, this famous li ne from Casablanca is going to bring back your love for the classics. If romantic dramas are really your thing, then you’ve surely got it in this movie who doesn’t want the Rick Blaine to their Ilsa Lund (or the other way around)? If you’ve been on the search for the perfect home decor that adds a very classic and retro vibe, then a neon sign especially one that says “ Here’s looking at you, kid.” is going to take the cake. Well then, what are you waiting for?
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Luminex™ x Kings Of Neon
Luminex™ is the new standard of LED Neon - Offering 100,000+ Hours of Illumination with an array of different colour options.
Can't see the colour you love?
Kings Of Neon offers over 100+ Colours - Contact the team in the chat box or add a note to your order and the team will customise your sign for YOU!