Girls LED Neon Sign!
Who runs t he world? You will with this sign in your life! This is the perfect backdrop for photoshootswith your favourite girls, the chick flick marathons you love hosting, girls’ days out, girls’ nights in, and girl time everywhere our neon ‘girls’ sign can do it all! Decorate your home, venue, event or ladies nights at your restaurants, bars, and clubs with this striking neon sign, and you won’t need any other centrepiece. This sign is also a great way to designate spaces for your daughters, so they can havetime away from their brothers and their own little sanctuary
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Luminex™ x Kings Of Neon
Luminex™ is the new standard of LED Neon - Offering 100,000+ Hours of Illumination with an array of different colour options.
Can't see the colour you love?
Kings Of Neon offers over 100+ Colours - Contact the team in the chat box or add a note to your order and the team will customise your sign for YOU!