Flying Pig LED Neon Sign!
It’s finally happening! Neon pigs are flying, and whether you’re waiting to win a bet ‘when pigs fly’, it’s your favourite phrase or you just really like this angelic rendering of a barnyard friend your time has come! This cheerful pig is sure to inadvertently bring a smile to your face every single time you see it. It’s the most unique decoration choice that can brighten up your home, cafe, restaurant, event or ven ue. There’s really nothing that can’t be improved with a flying, neon pig in the mix! Our colour range: Pink, blue, red, green, yellow, white, and purple
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Luminex™ x Kings Of Neon
Luminex™ is the new standard of LED Neon - Offering 100,000+ Hours of Illumination with an array of different colour options.
Can't see the colour you love?
Kings Of Neon offers over 100+ Colours - Contact the team in the chat box or add a note to your order and the team will customise your sign for YOU!